How to Improve Blood Pressure with Acupuncture

How to Improve Blood Pressure with Acupuncture

Acupuncture stimulates the energy within the body and it can have a positive effect on blood pressure. Blood pressure is the measurement of how forceful the blood is pushing against the arteries. It is common for people to have high blood pressure (hypertension). 140/90 or more is considered high blood pressure. Low blood pressure (hypotension) is more often diagnosed by the patient's symptoms. People with low blood pressure do not function properly since the blood is not powerful enough to reach vital organs.


Have your blood pressure taken either at a hospital or on the machines in some drug stores. Determine if you have high or low blood pressure. People with low blood pressure should seek medical attention immediately, because their body could shut down.


Find a licensed acupuncturist who has had many years of experience. When using acupuncture to improve blood pressure, it is important that the needles be placed in the correct areas.


Discuss using electroacupuncture with your acupuncturist. A 30-minute treatment has been shown to reduce high blood pressure significantly. This technique involves applying electric stimulation to the needles.


Discuss taking Chines herbs like Tian Ma, Xia Ku Cao, Dan Shan or Shan Zha to supplement your acupuncture treatment. These herbs can help with high blood pressure.


If stress is causing your high blood pressure, acupuncture can help you relax. While the needles are in your skin, take deep breaths. Imagine all of your stress being released from your body. Acupuncture can stimulate the serotonin, which is usually suppressed when there is an excess of cortisol.

Tips & Warnings

Eat a balanced diet with smaller portions of meat.

Eliminate unnecessary stress in your life.

Take multi-vitamins.

Acupuncture should be supplemented by other treatment methods to improve blood pressure.