How to Improve Fertility With Ayurveda

How to Improve Fertility With Ayurveda

Unfortunately many couples are plagued by infertility, especially as people are waiting longer to have
. While some doctors may recommend fertility treatments provided by a reproductive endocrinologist, you may want to consider Ayurvedic medicine first. This non-invasive alternative therapy has been known to help couples improve fertility.


Balance the menstrual cycle. Immediately after menstruation, women should eat healthy and nourishing soups. After ovulation and before menstruation, Yoga should be increased. During menstruation relaxation and warmth are priorities.


Provide additional support to the female reproductive organs through gentle daily warm oil massage of the abdomen in clockwise motion. Always follow massage with a warm bath or shower.


Eat fertility-enhancing foods such as almonds, pumpkin seeds, milk, seaweed, pomegranate and grapes. Incorporate powerful herbs into your diet including red clover blossoms, nettle leaves, raspberry leaves and flaxseed oil.


Increase digestive functioning by cleansing the digestive system several months before attempting to conceive. Cleansing involves eating light meals consisting of seasoned vegetables, soups and sweet fruit.


Establish a regular daily routine consisting of a regular bedtime, regular meal times and meditation at least once per day.


Remove factors contributing to stress to increase fertility.


Enhance circulation by exercising daily. Yoga is a integral part of a comprehensive Ayurvedic routine.

Tips & Warnings

Drink fertility enhancing drinks including aloe vera juice, rose water and teas made from fennel, liquorice and ginger.

Increase abdominal circulation during menstruation by using a warm heating pad.

Don't consume cold liquids during menstruation.

From ovulation to menstruation, avoid any food or drink that might irritate or aggravate your digestive system such as chocolate and coffee.

How to Improve Eyesight Without Glasses

How to Improve Eyesight Without Glasses

If you thought the only way to correct your vision was with glasses, contact lenses or eye surgery, you may be surprised to learn there are different methods of retraining the eye to improve vision. These methods, unproven but interesting, offer an alternate form of vision improvement.


Try the Bates Method to retrain your eyes. Developed by Dr. William Horatio Bates in the early 1900s, this method is still popular today. Bates felt most vision problems were the result of eye muscles becoming lazy. His method is controversial, but some swear it has helped them. His entire program is online in the public domain (see Resources below).


Visit your local library to find titles that address improving eyesight without glasses. Ask for "Improve Your Vision Without Glasses or Contact Lenses" by Steven M. Beresford, David W. Muris, Merril J. Allen and Francis A. Young, or "Take Off Your Glasses and See: A Mind/Body Approach to Expanding Your Eyesight and Insight" by Jacob Liberman.


Enroll in a seminar to improve eyesight for personal instruction. If you prefer learning directly from an instructor who knows the process, try signing up for a seminar that concentrates on teaching you various methods (see Resources below).


Eat your way to good eyesight. While there are no set guidelines or recommendations by the Food and Drug Administration governing diet and eyesight, some independent researchers suggest various foods that might help keep your eyes in top shape (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Neither the Food and Drug Administration or the American Medical Association endorse the various methods listed in Steps 1 to 4 for eyesight improvement. Although some users have noted positive results, use these methods at your own risk.

How to Improve Digestion With Ayurveda

How to Improve Digestion With Ayurveda

According to Ayurvedic medicine, healthy digestion plays an integral part in establishing good health and well-being. When the digestive system fails to function optimally, the body becomes congested, blocking circulation and inhibiting movement of toxins out of the body. Therefore, it is imperative that people work to establish good digestion.


Begin each day with a warm oil massage, during which you apply gentle pressure over your abdomen in a clockwise motion. Ayurveda improves digestion through daily massage.


Drink a warm glass of water every morning. Put some lemon and honey in the water. Follow with a warm breakfast consisting of warmed fruit.


Eat regular meals, planning your largest meal for the middle of the day between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. Your last meal should be light and should be at least 2 hours before bedtime.


Enjoy your meals while sitting. Mealtime should not be rushed or done on the go. Rest for a few minutes after finishing your meal.


Drink a warm glass of milk before bedtime. Spice the milk according to your dosha: Pittas should spice with nutmeg, while cardamom is best for Vatas. Kaphas should spice with ginger.


Sleep on your left side, especially toward the morning. This facilitates the movement of toxins and waste through your system.


Follow all Ayurvedic principles for good health such as getting adequate sleep, minimizing stress, exercising and meditating.

Tips & Warnings

Use ginger and peppermint to treat nausea.

Minimize bloating and gas with anise and fennel.

Lessen indigestion and heartburn by eating liquid or dry dill.

Don't consume cold drinks and food. Warmth stimulates digestion, while cold stifles digestion.

Avoid missing meals whenever possible.

Refrain from drinking beverages with caffeine.

How to Improve Concentration With Aromatherapy

How to Improve Concentration With Aromatherapy

There are many situations each day where people could benefit from a periodic boost in concentration. The period following lunch is a common time when that sluggish feeling hits and during these times it's difficult to concentrate on work. Certain essential oils can stimulate your brain to activate concentration and energy. Aromatherapy is an inexpensive, positive way of increasing concentration during the day.


Choose only the purest essential oils to boost concentration because choosing the purest oils will produce the best results. The essential oils best known for stimulating concentration are
, eucalyptus, citriodora, radiata, grapefruit, lemon, spearmint, peppermint, ylang ylang and


Diffuse essential oils throughout the room using a burner. This may not be acceptable in a pubic work area or at school, but you can freely diffuse oils at home while working or studying to help boost your concentration.


Use the dry evaporation method. Add a few drops of essential oil to a cotton ball or tissue, then allow it to evaporate. For a mild, continuous exposure to the scent, keep the oil-scented cotton ball close by. For an intense dose to boost concentration, frequently sniff the essential oil or the cotton ball up close.


Mix essential oils with carrier oils. Essential oils can be extremely strong when used alone. Add a few drops to a carrier oil like sweet almond, grapeseed, jojoba or avocado oil. You can then add these stimulating scents to bathwater or directly to your skin to moisturize and enjoy an instant lift.

How to Improve Circulation With Magnetic Therapy

How to Improve Circulation With Magnetic Therapy

Although there is not yet a lot of evidence to support the benefits of magnetic therapy, it is becoming widely used for all sorts of pain and health condition treatments. Magnetic therapy is a noninvasive therapeutic method of applying magnets to the body. Poor circulation typically affects the extremities, and you may suffer from cold hands and feet. Magnetic therapy might help to improve your circulation.


Put magnetic insoles into your shoes to improve circulation in your feet and legs. Magnetic insoles have as many as 50 magnets per foot. Wearing them in your shoes all day should be enough for most people, but if you get leg cramps at night or suffer from restless leg syndrome, you can also put them in your socks at bedtime.


Wear magnetic bracelets or wristbands on both of your wrists to increase circulation to your hands, wrists and arms. Magnetic bracelets and bands are sold in a variety of styles. Choose ones that are comfortable, because it is recommended you wear them 24 hours a day.


Buy a magnetic pad for your bed to provide full-body benefits. Sleeping on a magnetic pad can help to improve overall circulation and gently revitalize body organs.


Sit on a magnetic pad if you work at a desk all day. Take advantage of all that sitting time and increase your body's exposure to magnetic therapy.


Drink magnetized water. This can be purchased at a lot of health food stores. Drinking four glasses of magnetized water each day may help to improve your circulatory system's performance.

How to Improve Children's Motor Skills with Yoga Exercises

How to Improve Children's Motor Skills with Yoga Exercises

grow, they become more physically aware of their body. They are also learning how to use their body but sometimes their balance can be shaky. This simple yoga exercise known as Tree Pose will help improve children's balance, focus and clarity. Tree Pose also strengthens the legs and helps improve posture. This yoga exercise can be practiced on a daily basis and children will gradually begin to notice a difference in their balance and focus.

Things You'll Need:

Yoga mat


Instruct the child to stand on yoga mat with their feet shoulder width apart. Tell them to plant their feet firmly into the ground. Instruct them to stand tall and proud like a big oak tree. Tell them to point their right foot in front of them and slowly drag their right foot to their left ankle.


If the child feels comfortable, ask them to gently move the ball of their right foot to the inside of their left knee (or to their inner thigh if they can hold their balance).


Instruct child to look forward (at the wall or a spot in front of them) and focus with their eyes. Tell them to bring the palms of their hands together and place them in Prayer Pose at their heart center. Instruct the children to concentrate on the spot in front of them and to imagine they are a tall oak tree and their right foot is the root that is drawing them into the Earth. The root helps them stay grounded and helps them maintain their balance.


Count with the child as you tell them to breathe in slowly through their nostrils and then breathe out slowly through their nostrils. Hold Tree Pose for 10 seconds. Instruct child to release their right leg slowly to the ground and bring their hands to the sides of their body. Repeat Tree Pose on the other side.

Tips & Warnings

If your child has any medical conditions or back issues, please consult your physician before attempting this yoga exercise. If the child experiences any pain during this exercise, instruct them to stop immediately.

You can also play soothing music during this exercise, which further relaxes children and helps them to focus better.

How to Improve Brain Power With Ayurveda

How to Improve Brain Power With Ayurveda

While most of us look for external signs of aging, such as wrinkles or weight gain, there are also internal signs of aging. Organs age and lose the vitality of their youth. The brain is no exception. Nourishing and nurturing helps maintain mental acuity for years to come.


Choose foods that are fresh and free of pesticides. Lightly cook foods, but avoid boiling or heating them too much.


Eat foods that are rich in antioxidants, such as blueberries, broccoli, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, oranges, spinach, apricots, red and yellow peppers and sweet potatoes.


Integrate omega-3 fatty acids into your daily diet by eating fish and eggs. Also, get plenty of protein from soy.


Hydrate your body all day long. Your brain functions more effectively when your body is adequately hydrated. Consider drinking green and black teas.


Take powerful herbs such as gingko biloba,
and sage. These herbs are known to improve brain power.


Meditate at least once a day. Meditation eases and clears the mind, allowing you to process incoming information more clearly.


Use your brain and practice your skills regularly. If you don't sharpen and hone your brain regularly, it will weaken.

Tips & Warnings

Maintain a healthy regimen that includes regular meals, adequate sleep and exercise.

Take classes to learn new things. Challenging the brain is one way to keep it in top shape.

How to Improve Blood Pressure with Acupuncture

How to Improve Blood Pressure with Acupuncture

Acupuncture stimulates the energy within the body and it can have a positive effect on blood pressure. Blood pressure is the measurement of how forceful the blood is pushing against the arteries. It is common for people to have high blood pressure (hypertension). 140/90 or more is considered high blood pressure. Low blood pressure (hypotension) is more often diagnosed by the patient's symptoms. People with low blood pressure do not function properly since the blood is not powerful enough to reach vital organs.


Have your blood pressure taken either at a hospital or on the machines in some drug stores. Determine if you have high or low blood pressure. People with low blood pressure should seek medical attention immediately, because their body could shut down.


Find a licensed acupuncturist who has had many years of experience. When using acupuncture to improve blood pressure, it is important that the needles be placed in the correct areas.


Discuss using electroacupuncture with your acupuncturist. A 30-minute treatment has been shown to reduce high blood pressure significantly. This technique involves applying electric stimulation to the needles.


Discuss taking Chines herbs like Tian Ma, Xia Ku Cao, Dan Shan or Shan Zha to supplement your acupuncture treatment. These herbs can help with high blood pressure.


If stress is causing your high blood pressure, acupuncture can help you relax. While the needles are in your skin, take deep breaths. Imagine all of your stress being released from your body. Acupuncture can stimulate the serotonin, which is usually suppressed when there is an excess of cortisol.

Tips & Warnings

Eat a balanced diet with smaller portions of meat.

Eliminate unnecessary stress in your life.

Take multi-vitamins.

Acupuncture should be supplemented by other treatment methods to improve blood pressure.

How to Improve Back Issues with Gentle Yoga Exercises

How to Improve Back Issues with Gentle Yoga Exercises

Whether you sit at a computer all day or are stuck in traffic, chronic back pain is a common complaint. These gentle yoga exercises will help stretch the mid-back, lower back and spine and help ease pain and discomfort from sitting all day. These yoga exercises will also help strengthen the back and spine as well.

Things You'll Need:

Yoga mat



Sit on a yoga mat or in a chair and bend from the waist. Bend forward slowly into a Forward Fold Pose. Move closer to the ground so your fingertips are resting on the floor. For a deeper stretch, place your palms on the ground and stretch your lower and mid-back and spine. Inhale and exhale through the nostrils to the count of three. Slowly stack your back one vertebrae at a time as you straighten your back until you are standing or sitting straight. Repeat this exercise twice.


Sit seated on your yoga mat or in a chair. Slowly twist your body to the right side. Feel the stretch on the left side of your back. Release and untwist your body and sit straight on your mat or in your chair. Slowly twist your body to the right side. Feel the stretch on the right side of your back. Release and untwist your body and sit straight on your mat or in your chair. Repeat this exercisetwice on each side.


Stand on your yoga mat or sit in your chair. Bend your body half way keeping the back straight and hold your arms out to the side. Face your palms towards the ground. Inhale and exhale for three counts and then slowly stack your vertebrae one by one so you are standing or sitting straight. Repeat the exercise twice.


Stand on your yoga mat or sit in your chair.. Make fists with your hands and place them behind your back in the small of your back (your sacrum). Slowly arch your back into a slight back bend and look up towards the sky. Do not overextend the back. Inhale and exhale to the count of three. Release your hands from the small of your back and straighten your spine and neck. Repeat the exercise twice.

Tips & Warnings

If you have back injuries or issues, consult a medical physician before attempting these yoga exercises. If you experience any pain during these exercises, stop immediately.

How to Improve Arm Strength With Pilates

How to Improve Arm Strength With Pilates

Pilates is a form of exercise well-known for building core strength. However, Pilates exercises also build upper body strength including the arms. In Pilates, you support your own body weight on your arms which is a great workout for the upper body and arms. One of the best strength building exercises in Pilates is plank. Plank also helps strengthen the core muscles and shoulders. You will see definition in your biceps and triceps as a result of your continued Pilates practice.

Things You'll Need:

Exercise mat


On your exercise mat, move into a push up pose or modified push up pose (with your knees on the mat). Stabilize your core muscles but don't remain rigid. Don't lock your elbows or shoulders.


Breathe in through your nose and exhale deeply through your mouth. Feel the breath move from your diaphragm and release stale air as you exhale.


Hold plank for at least ten seconds. Release your knees to the mat and rest. Inhale deeply through your nostrils and exhale deeply through your mouth.


Move into plank again. Challenge yourself by moving into a side plank. Shift your weight to your right arm and distribute weight evenly throughout the palm for your right hand.


Shift your body so you are lying on your side with your left leg stacked on top of your right leg. Hold your left hand above your head for a more difficult challenge.


Repeat the exercise on the other side.

Tips & Warnings

Consult a physician before you attempt these Pilates exercises.