How to Use Rose Oil for Depression

How to Use Rose Oil for Depression

Depression can be a struggle for many people in our fast-paced society. Some just feel the "blues" every now and then. Some have an on-going battle with recurring sadness and have been diagnosed by a professional. There are many kinds of treatments. Sometimes rose oil helps. Read on to learn more.


Know that there are several types of rose oil on the market. Some are much more expensive than others, depending on the way they are produced. Steam distillation produces the most expensive rose oil. Because it takes so many rose petals to make a small amount of oil, the cost can get quite high. Rose Geranium (sometimes called Rose-French) is less expensive, has similar ingredients and similar smell. You can buy rose oil in all its forms online, in department stores and pharmacies and anywhere aromatherapy products are sold.


Use a drop or two of rose oil as a perfume. A drop on your wrists and you can smell the aroma whenever you feel yourself getting "down" during the day. Test your skin with a tiny drop at first if you have sensitive skin. Make sure it doesn't irritate your skin when you use rose oil for depression.


Put a few drops on a handkerchief to carry with you. The aroma of rose oil is relaxing and soothing. Putting it on a handkerchief is a great alternative if your skin is sensitive.


Sprinkle a few drops into your warm bath water. The steam from the bath will help release more of the soothing properties when you use rose oil for depression. Your bath will be restful and calming to your nerves. As you relax and let go of stress, your spirits lift. Stress is often a cause for depression.


Massage a few drops of rose oil into stress points on your body if your skin is not irritated by rose oil. Rubbing rose oil into the back of your neck and lower back helps soothe and lift your spirit. Some massage therapists use different forms of rose oil on clients who struggle with depression.