How to Use Simple Living to Become Healthier
Are you wondering how to enhance your health gently and safely? When we think of getting healthy, we often think that the solution is complex and tough. We reach for strong medicine, multi-herb formula, and approach it from a "boot-camp" perspective. Fast healing is the best healing, right?
Not necessarily. Slow down! There are some basic elements that will help make you healthier than you are right now. Returning to basics and living a simpler life work a lot better in the long run than anything potent.
Follow the guidelines for good health and take some nourishing tonic herbs daily, and you will feel so energized and healthy that the word "detox" won't even cross your mind.
Things You'll Need:
Nourishing herbal teas of your choice--choose from stinging nettle, oatstraw, red clover, and lemon balm
Plenty of water
Nourishing, healthy foods
Special extras such as a good book, creativity, spending time with loved ones, prayer
Choose one or two herbal teas to sip throughout the day. To make the tea boil one cup of water and pour over tea bag, or one cup of the dried herb.
Get some exercise each day--at least 30 minutes. You can walk, garden, do some housework--as long as you're moving.
Make sure you take breaks every now and then and go to bed at a reasonable time.
Take the time to prepare healthy meals and eat them slowly. Really enjoy what you're doing.
Choose several "special extras" to enjoy such as a good book, a bubble bath, spending time with your loved ones, seeing a movie or praying.
Tips & Warnings
Learn how to prioritize your life so you don't get overwhelmed.
Surround yourself with nature each day.
Learn about the world around you.
Choose your favorite herbs and grow them indoors. Add them to foods, teas, etc. It's nice to enjoy something green and fresh year round.
Don't work too hard!
Always make sure that your doctor approves of any herbs you decide to take.
Are you wondering how to enhance your health gently and safely? When we think of getting healthy, we often think that the solution is complex and tough. We reach for strong medicine, multi-herb formula, and approach it from a "boot-camp" perspective. Fast healing is the best healing, right?
Not necessarily. Slow down! There are some basic elements that will help make you healthier than you are right now. Returning to basics and living a simpler life work a lot better in the long run than anything potent.
Follow the guidelines for good health and take some nourishing tonic herbs daily, and you will feel so energized and healthy that the word "detox" won't even cross your mind.
Things You'll Need:
Nourishing herbal teas of your choice--choose from stinging nettle, oatstraw, red clover, and lemon balm
Plenty of water
Nourishing, healthy foods
Special extras such as a good book, creativity, spending time with loved ones, prayer
Choose one or two herbal teas to sip throughout the day. To make the tea boil one cup of water and pour over tea bag, or one cup of the dried herb.
Get some exercise each day--at least 30 minutes. You can walk, garden, do some housework--as long as you're moving.
Make sure you take breaks every now and then and go to bed at a reasonable time.
Take the time to prepare healthy meals and eat them slowly. Really enjoy what you're doing.
Choose several "special extras" to enjoy such as a good book, a bubble bath, spending time with your loved ones, seeing a movie or praying.
Tips & Warnings
Learn how to prioritize your life so you don't get overwhelmed.
Surround yourself with nature each day.
Learn about the world around you.
Choose your favorite herbs and grow them indoors. Add them to foods, teas, etc. It's nice to enjoy something green and fresh year round.
Don't work too hard!
Always make sure that your doctor approves of any herbs you decide to take.